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Dev Diary #16: This Week At A Glance (Plus A Video!)

Here’s a quick glance at what I got up to this week with gamedev: Updated dungeon appearances and colour palettes for several areas. Updated sandstorm effect with some cool rolling clouds. Implemented and tested some gameplay-relevant weather effects. I also tweaked the procedural generation algorithm for dungeons – can now generate rooms with central “pools” of…

Gamedev Grievances #37: Flying Over Oceans

With another hectic year of study over and exams done, I’ve finally finished my undergraduate studies in engineering! Which means I’ve also finally got back into the groove of gamedev and have been putting some of the finishing touches on Ambience. (Don’t worry, I definitely haven’t given up on Ambience at all! I’ve just been…

Dev Diary #15: Ten Things I Did This Month

Just as a reminder (to myself, mostly) that I’m still making good progress on Ambience, here’s ten things I got up to over the past month: #1: Added randomly-generated quests. This turned out okay in the end, and in general it doesn’t do anything too stupid (like giving the player a Surefire Flower in exchange…